Blocked drains usually get all the blame for bad smells that linger around the outside of a property. But roof gutters are often at fault as well, especially in the hot weather we’re about to experience. As residential and commercial gutter cleaning experts, we recommend you get us around to your place before it gets too warm and too smelly.
You may have removed leaves and other vegetation from your roof gutters and thought they were clean as a result. Sorry to break it to you, but they’re probably not. A lot of dirt, silt, grime and even droppings from birds and vermin would have built up on the bottom of the gutters. When the weather gets hotter during spring and summer, this gooey mess becomes baked on and as the temperature rises, so does the smell factor! A garden hose is not enough to clean the dirt from gutters at this point, and that is why it is best to give us a call. We have special cleaning equipment that can properly clean roof guttering before things get too whiffy.
Of course, if you haven’t removed dead leaves and other vegetation, then the smelly problem becomes worse. Things will eventually start to decompose and rot, and this process speeds up in hot weather. That will just make any unpleasant odours even harder to handle.
Smelly gutters are very common. They’re “out of sight, out of mind” and most people don’t notice what is happening up there. That means all sorts of dirt, silt, vegetation and animal life can build up without being seen – the first sign of something happening up there is usually the smell, especially on hot days. Of course, there are other side effects too: water doesn’t flow into the downpipe, which can cause flooding, roof leaks and even internal water damage. If that’s not bad enough, the combined weight of all this smelly vegetation and dirt can make the guttering collapse, which leaves you without gutters and downpipes, and damaged fascia too.
Dirty and clogged gutters are stinky, ineffective and likely to cause a lot of damage if you don’t do something about them. Tailored Property Services offer you a residential and commercial gutter cleaning service that will keep your gutters smelling sweet, and working properly. It’s a great time of year to book us in, so contact us today and we’ll do a one-off clean or put a regular gutter cleaning schedule in place for you.